TripAssist by Expedia
TripAssist by Expedia by Expedia, Inc.
DescriptionManage your trip ... any tripWith TripAssist, you can view and update your travel plans-no matter where you booked. TripAssist does for FREE what others make you pay for - with real-time SMS and email flight updates! FREE real-time flight status updates - Get alerts for ANY flight, whether you need to pick up your mother-in-law (don't be late!) or are traveling yourself. - Status alerts are free even if you didn't book with Expedia. - Unlike other apps, SMS and email status updates from TripAssist are all free of charge. Shop and book travel right from your iPhone or iPad - Book flights, hotels, cars, or activities on the new Expedia mobile site. - Plans change? Don't panic. Use the one-button alternate flight search for any leg of your trip. - Want to find the best seats? See SeatGuru seat maps for any flight. - Need more help? Call Customer Support with one touch. View and update your itinerary any time - Easily auto-sync itineraries from your Expedia account. - Connect to multiple Expedia accounts at the same time (yours, family members, etc) - View "Saved Itineraries" and "Past Itineraries" - Didn't book with Expedia? No worries. Add your own itinerary-flight, hotel, rental car! - Use the Notes function to jot down things to remember. - Unique calendar view consolidates all of your itineraries into a day-by-day view. Where should you be? Flip it and see. - During your trip, rotate your iPhone, or tap "What's Next?" on your iPad to see a "billboard" view with the most helpful information for the current stage of your itinerary. Thanks to everyone for the great feedback! We are already working hard on a number of significant enhancements for version 3.0 so keep the feedback and feature requests coming! What's New in Version 2.0.9• Fixed an issue that prevented users from being able to download their trip itineraries.Customer ReviewsPerfect application! Lov it (5 stars)Finally! They updated this app and now it's running perfect as before! I can finally check all the flights status anytime ~ :) thanks Expedia team!! Worthless (1 star) Super buggie, can't look up itineraries like its supposed to and can't book travel.... Totally lame considering I book all of my travel through Expedia online. Back to the drawing board Expedia! Waste of space and time. (1 star) Downloaded and attempted to link to me real Expedia account and itinerary using several methods. All failed miserably with this piece of crap app.
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