OpenTable for iPad
OpenTable for iPad by OpenTable, Inc.
DescriptionRestaurant Reservations Free, Instant, Confirmed. With OpenTable for iPad you can make free restaurant reservations at more than 20,000 OpenTable-enabled restaurants in the United States and Canada. Plus, OpenTable members earn valuable Dining Rewards Points redeemable for Dining Cheques good at any OpenTable restaurant.UK DINERS PLEASE NOTE: To book restaurants in the UK, please use the toptable iOS app which is available for download in the UK App Store here: HOW IT WORKS: Specify your dining date, desired time and party size to view available tables at nearby restaurants listed by proximity or plotted on an interactive map. FEATURES YOU'LL LOVE: - SEARCH by restaurant name - FIND restaurants nearest to your current location & see real-time table availability. - MAP results with an interactive, location-based map. - REFINE results by cuisine, price, reservation time, or points awarded. - SEE restaurant menus & OpenTable diner ratings and reviews. - REVIEW - Quickly see recently viewed restaurants - RESERVE your table free! ADDITIONAL FEATURES WITH FREE MEMBER REGISTRATION - Manage upcoming reservations & browse previous reservations. - Retrieve and Manage your favorite restaurants - Earn Dining Rewards Points redeemable for Dining Cheques good at any OpenTable restaurant. - Invite dining companions via email. FEEDBACK: Experiencing issues? Have a feature request or recommendation for future versions? Please email What's New in Version 1.7.1Bug FixesCustomer ReviewsVery frustrating (2 stars)This app has a fatal flaw in my book. If you switch to an other app for any reason, the app forgets all of its state and you start over. God forbid you need to check your email or perhaps check a restaurant review. I'm now sticking to their web interface until they learn Apple's multitasking API. Very handy app! (5 stars) I exclusively use OpenTable whenever I make reservations for dinner! Open table is great (5 stars) Would like to see more Saratoga restaurants participating. :-)
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