MyCityWay – USA
MyCityWay – USA by MyCityWay
DescriptionIf you are doing an update: Please delete and download the app again.Please bear with us while we fix an issue with updates. This issue does not appear if you delete the app and download it again. 39 CITIES, 50+ CATEGORIES, ALL IN 1 APP! MyCityWay USA is the ultimate all-in-one app for 39 cities around the country. Packed with over 50 essential categories of city information including top spots for dining, shopping, nightlife, transportation data, popular attractions, insider local secrets and the best events around town, this free app helps you find everything you need all in one place. Whether youre visiting for the first time or a longtime expert, MyCityWay USA is a top travel app that will be your trusted companion as you navigate and explore the city. Top Reasons To Download MyCityWay: -MyCityWay is all-inclusive. No need to download one app for transit, one app for eating and one app for attractions. MyCityWay has it all! -MyCityWay is incredibly accurate. Using real-time data from trusted sources, MyCityWay provides the most up to date information available. -MyCityWay is fast and very easy to use. Find what you need in just seconds. MyCityWay will find the closest places and help you get there quickly. -MyCityWay Lists. Browse lists by experts and locals of the top things to do and see in your city. Create your own lists right on the app and share with friends. -MyCityWay works offline. With a one time download, there's no need to worry about connecting to WiFi to browse through the info. You also wont rack up unwanted data charges or be completely lost when you cant find a connection. About MyCityWay MyCityWay is available in 70 urban markets worldwide and is the winner of many prestigious awards -- including NYC's BigApps competition and the Intel-sponsored App4India. Backed by BMWi Ventures, MyCityWay is on the cutting-edge of urban mobility. 39 Cities at Your Fingertips (More coming soon!): Atlanta Austin Boston Charlotte Chicago Cincinnati Cleveland Columbus Dallas Dayton Denver Detroit Hawaii Houston Jacksonville Kansas City Las Vegas Memphis Miami Minneapolis New Orleans New York Philadelphia Orlando Phoenix Pittsburgh Portland Raleigh Sacramento Saint Paul Salt Lake City San Antonio San Diego San Francisco San Jose Seattle Tampa Toledo Washington DC MyCityWay USA Features 50+ Categories of Useful Information: Dining, Open Table Reservations, Search by Cuisine or Food Type, Menus, Nightlife, Bars & Pubs, Comedy Clubs, Music, Dancing, Coffee, Lists, Weather, Movies, Showtimes & Tickets, WiFi Hotspots, Hotels, Events, Traffic Cameras, Craigslist, Tours, Free Things To Do, Parking, Top Attractions, Shopping, Police Stations, Bakeries, Gas Stations, Post Office, UPS Locations, Fedex Locations, Jobs, News, Art Galleries, Grocery, Beauty & Spa, Pharmacy, Transport Services, Services, Moving, Auto, Shoe Repair, Contractors, Check Cashing, Real Estate What's New in Version 3.1Bug FixesCustomer ReviewsHandy app (5 stars)Every time I travel to Philly from NYC. I can know what's in there before I reach. And the app works offline for most of the categories. Must have Derp (3 stars) Derp Nearest point is 10 miles away... (1 star) Does NOT work. Location services ON, re-installed, still cannot find anything "nearby". Sorry, but 9.50 miles for the nearest coffee shop is WAY off especially since the nearest is 2 blocks away. Every other app using location services is very accurate. Fix it and I will re-rate it.
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