Breaking News for iPhone
Breaking News for iPhone by msnbc
DescriptionBe the first to discover news stories moments after they break. The free BreakingNews app brings you the latest breaking reports from hundreds of news sources across the globe, edited in real time by our 24/7 team of journalists. You can browse the latest updates in seconds, or drill down to full reports from top news organizations as soon as they're available online.BreakingNews features instant push alerts on the biggest stories, and you can set a "quiet time" to avoid receiving alerts when you're sleeping. Keep tabs of the latest developments by following stories and topics that matter to you, and you can pinpoint the latest stories on a map. We're the same trusted team who brings you @breakingnews on Twitter and Unlike automated news apps, our stories are selected by experienced editors who identify and verify breaking news stories including eyewitness reports from social media. No rumors, just the story. There's no faster, easier way to stay on top of the news on your device. Features: - Browse the latest breaking stories in seconds - Drill down to full reports from top news organizations - See verified social media reports from breaking events - Edited by a trusted team of journalists in real time - Choose to receive push alerts for the biggest stories - Set a quiet time to avoid push alerts when you're sleeping - Follow your own topics to create custom story feeds - Pinpoint the latest breaking stories on a map - Share stories via Twitter, Facebook, text and email What's New in Version 2.0.4Bug fixes & notification badge correctionCustomer ReviewsPerfect for Breaking News!!!! (5 stars)This app is really great! I have been using for a long time, and the app is the perfect companion!! The news is always up to date and appears here before anywhere else!!!!! Lightning fast news app (5 stars) This app boils down the crush of daily news to just the important facts and delivers them fast. You can tell it's written and selected by editors, not some robotic filter. The push alerts are super quick and stick to just the bigger stories (about two per day). A great, simple news source that loads quickly, gets you in and out fast. Love the push notifications! (5 stars) I typically fire this app up when I have a few minutes to kill, just to scroll through the most recent breaking news. The real value, though (at least for me) is in the push notifications. It's great to know -- immediately -- when big stories break, even if I am not online or watching TV. Thanks for a great app!
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