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Triple Town
Spry Fox, LLC

April 27th, 2012

This app is designed for both iPhone and iPad

Price: Free

Category: Games

Updated: Apr 27, 2012

Version: 1.21

Size: 22.5 MB

Language: English

Seller: Spry Fox LLC

Rated 4+

Requirements: Compatible with iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation) and iPad.Requires iOS 4.1 or later.

Customer Ratings

Current Version

(724 Ratings)

All Versions

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Triple Town by Spry Fox, LLC

Triple Town Video

Triple Town Screenshots


"I had to force myself to quit playing Triple Town in order to write this review, which might give you some idea of just how addicting it is." - 5 star review.

* Facebook game of 2011 -
* Runner up, indie game of 2011 - Edge Magazine
* Runner up, social game of 2011 -
* Featured TWICE by Apple in "new and noteworthy"

Triple Town is an original puzzle game in which you try to grow the greatest possible city. The larger the city you build, the more points you score. You build your city by matching three or more game-pieces: combine three grasses to make a bush, three bushes to make a tree... until you've filled the board with houses, cathedrals and castles. Along the way, you'll have to outwit giant bears who will try to block your progress.

How large can you grow your dream city before the board fills and the game ends?

Triple Town is free to play forever. Eventually, you will run out of moves, but they replenish for free if you wait a while, and you can also buy more moves with free coins that you earn in-game. If you want to eliminate the move counter altogether, there is a one-time fee for *lifetime* unlimited moves. It works on any compatible iOS device you own -- just load the game's option menu on your other devices and select "restore unlimited turns" to activate your purchase on additional devices.

What's New in Version 1.21

* NEW MAP: for owners of unlimited turns: the "bear attack" map, which is 5x6 and has 50% more bears. Intended for advanced players who can handle the challenge and know how to generate serious coin via bears!

* Fixed all known issues with tombstones not correctly combining into churches.

* Fixed issues with high scores not correctly posting to Game Center even after players had signed into Game Center

* Fixed a problem that could cause players to still be charged 75 coins for tapping undo when the undo option is disabled.

* Fixed a problem that sometimes caused Triple Town to erroneously report lack of network connection when a network connection exists.

* Other minor improvements.

As always, please contact us at if you have any questions or comments!

PS. Did you know that you can buy Triple Town t-shirts and sweatshirts? Only bear-lovers need apply! (We highly recommend waiting until Zazzle has a sale; they regularly discount all their products by 30% to 50%, so just wait for a promo before pulling the trigger! We tweet about their sales whenever we see them at @spryfox).

Customer Reviews

Great, but... (4 stars)
I'm not going to pay $4 to buy the whole game, maybe 1, but definitely not 4...

Fun! (5 stars)
Very challenging and fun.

Please fix update (5 stars)
This is one of my favorite games -- challenging and different every time. After the last update it crashes constantly. Please fix!

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