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Flick Soccer!
Full Fat

August 11th, 2011

Price: Free

Category: Games

Released: Aug 11, 2011

Version: 1.0

Size: 37.6 MB

Language: English

Seller: Full Fat Productions Ltd

Rated 4+

Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.Requires iOS 3.1 or later

Customer Ratings

Current Version

(2038 Ratings)

Flick Soccer! by Full Fat

Flick Soccer! Video

Flick Soccer! Screenshots


Jubilee Special until June 5th
Scramblies and Flick Soccer FREE on iPhone and iPad
All our iPad Games now 99c/69p

* * * It's a FULL FAT FREE FRIDAY! * * *
Flick Soccer now #FFFF (FREE) this weekend only to celebrate our 3RD #1 GAME in the UK - NFL Flick Quarterback!!

Get your Football fix with the most addictive arcade freekick game. This season there will be a new champion walking away with the title!

"...Flick Soccer is a flawless handheld game."

"...Even if you don't like sports, Flick Soccer will make you feel like a superstar."
Slide To Play

"...Flick Soccer has a great way of getting players into the zone quickly, and keeping them there... in full flow, it can provide a magical experience."

"... just like Flick Golf, the tough part is finding the time to stop playing"

"...Flick Soccer is a ton of fun, easy to play, and easy to get lost in. This is definitely one of my new favorite iOS games."
148 Apps

"...If you're a fan of flicking balls towards targets - and, let's face it, who isn't? - this is the best way to do it."
Pocket Gamer

Full Fat Flick Controls mean everyone can play!
Shoot for insane scores in Quickshot mode, it's you vs the keeper.
Take it to the limit in Endurance mode, set piece action with bonus items!
Try out Challenge mode for the ultimate skill contest.
Have you got the accuracy to hit the bar? Find out in Crossbar mode.
Smash It! breaking glass panels against the clock.
Unbelievably accurate flick controls for stunning top-corner shots.
The most realistic goalkeeper on the App Store.
Interactive defenders will jump and react to shots.
Gorgeous Retina visuals and immersive sound.
Game Center leaderboards and achievements.



Customer Reviews

Too short (1 star)
Fun game but not worth 99 cents. There are free soccer games out there that are just like this. If they add more challenges then maybe it would be worth buying.

If you want to be entertained for 5 minutes for a dollar then buy it.

This game should be free.

Nope! (1 star)
I don't like it. Flick golf is much better.

Deleted (1 star)
Too many signs appear on the screen.
Ruins the game! Very distracting.

Had to delete.

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