Survival Guide
Survival Guide by SusaSoftX
DescriptionSurvival skills are techniques a person may use in a dangerous situation (e.g. natural disasters) to save themselves or others (see also bushcraft). Generally speaking, these techniques are meant to provide the basic necessities for human life: water, food, shelter, habitat, and the need to think straight, to signal for help, to navigate safely, to avoid unpleasant interactions with animals and plants, and for first aid. In addition, survival skills are often basic ideas and abilities that ancient humans had to use for thousands of years, so these skills are partially a reenactment of history. Many of these skills are the ways to enjoy extended periods of time in remote places, or a way to thrive in nature. Some people use these skills to better appreciate nature and for recreation, not just survival.*** Survival Guide is completely based on the U.S. Military Survival Manual FM 21-76. *** Features ******** - Both Portrait and Landscape modes are supported. Landscape mode is preferred for better reading experience. - Zooming is supported in order to see the text/images better. Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION - Survival Actions - Pattern for Survival Chapter 2: PSYCHOLOGY OF SURVIVAL - A Look at Stress - Natural Reactions - Preparing Yourself Chapter 3: SURVIVAL PLANNING AND SURVIVAL KITS - Importance of Planning - Survival Kits Chapter 4: BASIC SURVIVAL MEDICINE - Requirements for Maintenance of Health - Medical Emergencies - Lifesaving Steps - Bone and Joint Injury - Bites and Stings - Wounds - Environmental Injuries - Herbal Medicines Chapter 5: SHELTERS - Primary ShelterUniform - Shelter Site Selection - Types of Shelters Chapter 6: WATER PROCUREMENT - Water Sources - Still Construction - Water Purification - Water Filtration Devices Chapter 7: FIRECRAFT - Basic Fire Principles - Site Selection and Preparation - Fire Material Selection - How to Build a Fire - How to Light a Fire Chapter 8: FOOD PROCUREMENT - Animals for Food - Traps and Snares - Killing Devices - Fishing Devices - Cooking and Storage of Fish and Game Chapter 9: SURVIVAL USE OF PLANTS - Edibility of Plants - Plants for Medicine - Miscellaneous Uses of Plants Chapter 10: POISONOUS PLANTS - How Plants Poison - All About Plants - Rules for Avoiding Poisonous Plants - Contact Dermatitis - Ingestion Poisoning Chapter 11: DANGEROUS ANIMALS - Insects and Arachnids - Leeches - Bats - Venomous Snakes - Snake-Free Areas - Dangerous Lizards - Dangers in Rivers - Dangers in Bays and Estuaries - Saltwater Dangers - Other Dangerous Sea Creatures Chapter 12: FIELD-EXPEDIENT WEAPONS, TOOLS, AND EQUIPMENT - Staffs - Clubs - Edged Weapons - Other Expedient Weapons - Cordage and Lashing - Rucksack Construction - Clothing and Insulation - Cooking and Eating Utensils Chapter 13: DESERT SURVIVAL - Terrain - Environmental Factors - Need for Water - Heat Casualties - Precautions - Desert Hazards Chapter 14: TROPICAL SURVIVAL - Tropical Weather - Jungle Types - Travel Through Jungle Areas - Immediate Considerations - Water Procurement - Food - Poisonous Plants Chapter 15: COLD WEATHER SURVIVAL - Cold Regions and Locations - Windchill - Basic Principles of Cold Weather Survival - Hygiene - Medical Aspects - Cold Injuries - Shelters - Fire - Water - Food - Travel - Weather Signs Chapter 16: SEA SURVIVAL - The Open Sea - Seashores Chapter 17: EXPEDIENT WATER CROSSINGS - Rivers and Streams - Rapids - Rafts - Flotation Devices - Other Water Obstacles - Vegetation Obstacles Chapter 18: FIELD-EXPEDIENT DIRECTION FINDING - Using the Sun and Shadows - Using the Moon - Using the Stars - Making Improvised Compasses - Other Means of Determining Direction Chapter 19: SIGNALING TECHNIQUES - Application - Means for Signaling - Codes and Signals - Aircraft Vectoring Procedures Includes also Appendix A to H Note: iAd supported application. What's New in Version 2.3- Improved resolution of the text. Should be much easier and clearer to read the chapters.Customer ReviewsGreat app, but (5 stars)They forgot to include the section How to make electricity to charge your iPhone in the wild For those who say the text is too small. (5 stars) If you think the text is to small just drag one finger from the center of the screen to the top right corner while simultaneously dragging another finger from the center of the screen to the bottom left. This will make the text bigger. To make the text smaller just do it in reverse. You can do this with any app on your iPod Touch or iPhone. You can also place your finger on the text and hold it there. Doing this will make a magnifying glass I'm Calling t like it is (5 stars) Yes, it is a U.S. military field manual on field craft and survival that was written a number of years ago. Granted, a few concepts or procedures may have changed or been updated since this manual was printed, but considering the cost,where can you go wrong? This is the same manual I used throughout my Air Force career and if I could have kept a copy I would have. I'm glad I found it here and best of all FREE!!!!! As for the font
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