Wedding and Flower Bouquet
Wedding and Flower Bouquet by AAPixel LLC
DescriptionWedding and Flower Bouquets50% Promotional Sales! Limited Time Only! Wedding and Flower Bouquet is a collection of over 650+ interesting HD (High-Density 640 x 960) Wedding Bouquets images for iPhone 4s, iPhone 4, iPhone 3G/3GS & iPod Touch. All images are optimized for iPhone 4 with fine details and superb resolution. iPhone 3G/3GS and iPod touch users can also use this application. All images will automatically shrink to fit the screen of your devices. FEATURES This application has the following features: Over 650+ HD Wedding and Flower Bouquets images Ability to add selected images to a "Favorite Album" for easy browsing later on Save any image into the Camera Roll HOW TO USE To set an image as your iPhone wallpaper, follow 3 simple steps: 1 - Choose your favorite images (hint: single tapping on a image will give you a full-screen view) 2 - Press the "Save" button on the lower right corner 3 - Go to your Camera Roll, find the image, press the icon on the lower left corner and select "Set as Wallpaper" Check out our other Apps on App Store by searching for "aapixel" on the search box What's New in Version 2.1- Bug Fixes that prevent crash on older devices- Improved Navigation Speed
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