FedEx Mobile
FedEx Mobile by FedEx
DescriptionFedEx Mobile provides up-to-date shipment tracking information. Simply input your FedEx tracking number and you can quickly retrieve the status of your shipment without the need to log in. You can also personalize your view by nicknaming shipments, adding notes or creating a watch list for monitoring important shipments. Shipments that youve sent using FedEx Ship Manager, added to My FedEx or tracked with FedEx Desktop may also be viewed and managed with your iPhone or iPad. Well even let you know if select delivery exceptions have occurred.FedEx Mobile also provides direct links to our Web site that is specially tailored to work with your iPhone or iPad. What's New in Version 3.1.5Updated EULACustomer ReviewsFine App & Yes You Can Delete (4 stars)I am surprised so many reviews claim that you cannot delete tracked shipments. This is incorrect. The way to delete a shipment is to swipe your finger across the entry left to right, right to left, it doesn't matter. The delete button appears. This is the same standardized "delete" gesture that is used in thousands of other apps, including Apple's iTunes and Mail apps that comes on pre-installed on every single iPhone. Really not that great (5 stars) Tracking info does not disappear and you cant delete already delivered shipments. Also no barcode reader. Cant do much. What was the point in creating this app. Just because ups and usps has an app? What a wasted download. Worse Now (1 star) The app now does not recognize tracking numbers that are legitimate and work on the Fedex website. I just tracked a package on Fedex's website with a number that the app says does not relate to a shipment. Nice work. Do you do this for a living?
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