DocuSign by DocuSign
DescriptionDocuSign for iPhone and iPad uses the #1 electronic signature service to let you manage all of your document needs right from your iPad or iPhone. More than just a signature stamper, DocuSign for iPad and iPhone allows you to:SEND documents for signature from your iPad from Google, Box, or even from the camera on your iPhone or iPad. TRACK the status of your documents in real time. CHART your performance, and SIGN any document sent to you for signature through DocuSign. Whats more, all of this is handled by the secure DocuSign global network, not email, so your information and your signature is safe and secure. Once you install the App, you may link to your existing DocuSign account, create a free account enabling you to send three (3) envelopes per month, or create a full business account for unlimited sending. SIGNING IS ALWAYS FREE. Benefits you get only from DocuSign for iPhone and iPad: View real-time document status to see where documents are in the process and whats required for completion. Create, tag, and modify documents to send for others to DocuSign. Add iPhone photos of receipts to expense reports, add documents from Google docs and Safely and securely complete documents with legally-binding signatures in minutes from anywhere, anytime. Capture the GPS location of exactly where your signers sign their agreements for added assurance. If you are already a DocuSign user, you NEED this application! If you are not yet, try it out for free! What's New in Version 2.5Version 2.5 of the DocuSign iPad and iPhone application adds both new features and some bug fixes. We have added as a destination to choose documents from for signing, as well as enabled sending those completed documents back to salesforce upon completion. We made drastic speed enhancements to the load time of the folder list, added the ability to send more file types (and added icons for most of the popular ones), and we now support clicking any envelope in a report to see the PDF right from the report.Customer ReviewsA professional's dream (5 stars)This new version really takes what was already an awesome docu-signing experience and makes it even more useful. The Salesforce integration is very helpful to my business. Try this out, you'll LOVE how simple it is!! Great app (5 stars) Great stuff Docusign. This app is just what I needed Need Dropbox option ASAP. (4 stars) Please add the Dropbox option to make this app perfect.
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