Google Play Books
Google Play Books by Google, Inc.
DescriptionWith Google Play Books for iOS start reading today with millions of titles from Google Play on your iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad. Take your favorite books with you on the go and personalize your reading experience. Shop books in your browser on Google Play.Great Reading Experience - Change font, search within the book, information about book - Manage your library (archive books after reading) - Night-reading mode - Read books offline - VoiceOver support Discover Millions of Titles on Google Play - Over 4 million books in every imaginable category, from the New York Times bestsellers to favorite classics - Millions of free books available instantly - Free preview pages - Unlimited storage of books in the digital cloud - Worry-free archive Syncs With Your Google Play books library - Access all your books wirelessly from the digital cloud - Automatic page position syncing across devices -- pick up reading where you left off. What's New in Version 1.3.0Many new features in flowing text mode, including:• Bookmark a page by tapping the top right corner • Touch and hold to select some text • Highlight selected text with color • Add a private note to selected text • Highlighting and notes sync with Google Play web reader and your other iOS devices • Translate selected text into 50+ languages • Look up definition of a selected word • Search for selected text in Wikipedia, with Google or in the book +1 button lets you tell the world which books you love View your library as a grid or list on iPhone and iPod touch Bug fixes Customer Reviews3-D Page Turns removed? (2 stars)Just updated (to on my iPad 3, and my page-turn setting was changed from 3-D to sliding page turns. In fact, the option no longer even appears in the settings menu! Why has this feature been removed? Will it ever be restored? And perhaps the biggest question: Why does Google not mention this downgrade in their "What's New in Version 1.3.0" section? For those who wish to retain the aesthetics of this feature, beware of u App crashes on loading -every time. (1 star) Love the idea behind this but the execution leaves much to be desired. Always crashes while loading. Never fails to crash. Absolutely repeatable. missing "3-D Page Turns" on iPad 3 (4 stars) Problem with bookmarks sometimes not deleting, but instead duplicating. iPad 3 is missing "3-D Page Turns" option, but it is still available on iPad 2 & iPod Touch 4. Also, iPad 3 needs retina display update for icons on top-right of page (Contents, Settings, Find, Info). Otherwise, good update.
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