Apps > Paid Apps > Games

Card Counter

November 13th, 2010

This app is designed for both iPhone and iPad

Price: $2.99

Category: Games

Updated: Nov 13, 2010

Version: 3.1

Size: 12.4 MB

Language: English

Seller: TMSOFT

Rated 4+

Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.Requires iOS 3.0 or later

Customer Ratings

Current Version

(186 Ratings)

All Versions

(1935 Ratings)

Card Counter by TMSOFT

Card Counter Video

Card Counter Screenshots



Top Rated by AppAdvice as an "Essential App" that "stands above all others in this category of apps"

Customer Reviews:
"Made me 50k in vegas. Not kidding"

"I have been learning the basics of card counting and after tying this I learned faster in ten minutes than I did in a week"

"Just got back from Vegas and won 8G's and took my family on a great vacation. 3 bucks is worth a thousand"

You play BlackJack. You love BlackJack. You've memorized basic strategy and know what to do in every hand. But now you want more. Maybe you saw the movie "21", read the book "Bringing Down the House", or just heard about card counting. Card Counter will teach you everything you need to know without having to enroll at MIT.

* Universal iPhone and iPad app. Buy once play anywhere.
* Beautiful graphics with Retina display support!
* Study guide for learning the system of counting
* Card tutorial to demonstrate card counting
* Practice modes for fine tuning your skills
* Progress through easy, medium, hard, and expert game levels
* Earn lots of cash with challenge mode and unlimited levels.
* High scores for tracking your progress with world wide ranking.
* Game center leaderboards for iOS 4.1 capable devices.
* Blackjack basic strategy reference card included
* Learn all the popular card systems including Hi-Lo, Hi-Opt I, Hi-Opt II, KO, Omega II, Silver Fox, and Zen Count.
* Add new counting systems with the custom strategy builder. Let's you specify the card count values and starting count.
* Voice over by Oscar Santana from Big O & Dukes and Mike O'Meara show

Learn everything you need to know on a plane to Las Vegas, a car ride to Atlantic City, or in the comforts of your own home.

Study. Practice. Win.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Card Counter is a video game based on the techniques of card counting. Using an iPhone or any device while at Blackjack tables is illegal. Never play Card Counter or use any electronic device while playing at casino tables.

AppAdvice Article:

What's New in Version 3.1

- Game Center Achievements added! Or should we say Casino Comps? See how many of the free comps you can earn!

- Added iPad Game Center support for iOS 4.2 devices.

As always your positive reviews keep the free updates coming! Please send your friends a link to download by tapping the web and then share. Cheers-- @tmsoft

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